Monday, May 31, 2010

Picky Eater? Not This Kid.

An almost sixteen month-old and a plateful of food makes for a fun combination these days.  The best part of it is, O.K. enjoys eating all kinds of foods.  He tries new foods with much curiosity and makes his favorites known (bananas, cheese, and most recently, blueberries).  I've heard from other moms about their chicken-nuggets-only toddlers, and I try not to brag--who knows what may happen in a few months--but I can't help feeling relieved to have such a happy eater.

Sucking on a mango pit.

Chowing on grilled asparagus.

At the same meal, eating [homemade free-range organic] turkey meatloaf with a Real Fork (by O.K.'s request).  

(Video to be posted soon -- having Blogger technical difficulties, I guess.)


  1. This does my heart good. Glad you know how blessed you are!

  2. May I just say (at the risk of embarrassing his father), that John exhibited a wildly indiscriminate enthusiasm for all kinds of food at the same age (but was especially appreciative of pasta dishes)? AND he maintains an admirable willingness to experiment with new tastes to this day! Yeah. I'm proud. GO OK!! :D
