Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, Oscar and I went to a candy-free Easter egg hunt at the Woodland Cemetery not too far from our house.  I didn't really expect him to find many eggs, but romping around in the grass and picking stuff up is one of his top five favorite things to do, so I figured it would be fun.  And it was.

Once the hunt began, Oscar walked maybe five feet out into the grass, found an egg, and flopped down to enjoy it.

Oscar and his friend, Daniel, were working on how to share.  I've been told this is the age when toddlers are just beginning to consider the whole world doesn't revolve solely around them.  It's a hard lesson to learn, and I'm realizing may take a while.

Soon Oscar came up with his own egg hunt game.  Step one: toss the egg.  Step two: find the egg.  Step three: pick up the egg.  Step four: repeat until your mother gets tired of following you around.

Oscar, Daniel, and their friend, Lucy, sat around sharing snacks while the parents chatted.  It was a gorgeous day, perfect for egg hunting and lazing in the warm sun with big and small friends.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you sure earned the right to a gorgeous spring weekend after all that snow! I'm completely envious of the warm sun. Easter weather here was the usual, but cozy indoors. :) Oscar clearly is a genius.
