Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa and Trains

We took our now annual trip down to Reading Terminal Market to see the model train exhibit with a few friends and their tots last weekend.

Oh, what fun!

Oscar really liked pushing the buttons to make the trains and other things move in the display. 

 Admiring the sweets with Lucy (clearly MY kid).

Then we all caravan-ed over to Love Park to see the Christmas Village. With all of the levels and steps, it was not very stroller friendly, but we stayed long enough to get an ornament and see this guy:
Santa! Without worry, Oscar found his spot on Santa's lap. He even told Santa that he wanted "a crane" for Christmas and thanked him when we were leaving. I still have mixed feelings about the whole Santa thing, but I can't not love these annual moments and the way they mark time passed each year.

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