Recently, Oscar and I went to the Academy of Natural Sciences with my dear friend, Christine, and her sons, Jack and Cole. Oscar had such a good time, I bought a membership before we left (surprisingly affordable!), and we look forward to many future visits.

Christine and her sons, Cole (born exactly one week after O.K.!) and Jack (now four!).

This was the perfect place for Oscar to touch EVERYTHING. He even got to touch a turtle!

This time, we only LOOKED at the sand. Maybe next time...

Jack, Cole, and Oscar were pretty fascinated with the fluffy rabbit.

O.K. crawling through a tunnel...

Checking out the dioramas...

Stopping for a snack and some whoa-another-little-person and
look-at-that-big-kid time...
Then off for more exploring...
No doubt, we will be returning soon.
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