Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My "Kids"

I don't often post pictures of my third graders (for obvious reasons), but we have been making collages that share a little about ourselves (in the shape of a planet--a.k.a. a circle--to go along with a solar system theme). Anyway, our "personal planets" will hang on our door for Back-to-School Night. I took a picture of each child to add to the top of their planet (like they are standing on it). I'm sort of known for painstakingly cutting out each child's picture, and I have to say, it takes some time. But I love how they look all cut out and in their own self-chosen poses (this time many included a flag, you know, like the astronauts on the moon). Plus, they kind of take me back to my paper doll days. Anyway, here are a few:

I'm sure you can tell they are a bunch of characters, AND that I think--in spite of how exhausted I am at the end of the day--that they are pretty great.

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