Friday, January 22, 2010

Back in the Swing of Things

Life here is pluggin' along in 2010, full of busy days and not a whole lot of new news to share. However, Oscar IS doing some cool new baby things in his eleventh month, and is on the verge of even cooler things (like walking!). He is clapping, cruising like a champ (even taking an adventurous step no-handed now and then), growing his seventh tooth, climbing up the stairs by himself, saying "ba" for "ball" and "ba-ba" for "bottle", and expressing joy about the things he likes--like being around other babies his age and swinging (see below).


  1. AND growing more hair! So cute with those golden locks waving behind him. =)

  2. Omigosh. CUTEcutecute! He reminds me a little of the physics professors I knew at the UofO! :D
