This weekend we went to East Haddom, Connecticut, to visit John's brother, Jason, his wife, Gizelle, their two daughters, his aunt Jane (his dad's sister), and his cousins, Suzie, Sarah, and David. His aunt lives in a spacious home out in the "woods". We exchanged stories and got (re)acquainted over dinner and into the evening. John was eleven or twelve years old the last time he saw this side of his family.

John's Aunt Jane made Oscar smile.

Jason and John hang out in the kitchen. Isn't that what brothers do?

Our nieces, Brianna (age 6), and Crystal (age 9). We enjoyed spending some time getting to know their bright personalities!

Jason, John's cousin, Suzie, and John.
We also had the chance to look at some old pictures of John's dad, aunt Jane, and John's grandfather. John had never seen these pictures before.

John's Aunt Jane and his dad, Joe.

"Joey", John's dad.
John's grandfather, Joe, and his aunt Jane.